Ordrup Gymnasium is a high school in a northern suburb of Greater Copenhagen. The school has approximately 840 pupils aged 16-19 and 80 teachers.
For many years we have been finding new ways to internationalize our teaching in which our students work with students from foreign high schools on joint projects through websites, emails and visits to each others’ schools and homes. We currently collaborate with French, Italian, German, American and Chinese schools.
We wish to strengthen the international aspect to involve all our pupils. In order to make this possible we want to build up an international network of contacts to enable each new class to choose partner schools for correspondence, joint projects and perhaps visits during their three years at the school.
We should be very pleased if the network could also include other non-European countries and other institutions than schools, for instance firms and cultural organizations.
Contact us
Ordrup Gymnasium
Kirkevej 5
2920 Charlottenlund
Tel. +45 39 64 01 78
Fax +45 39 63 41 66
Mails containing sensitive personal information should be sent to:
EAN no.: 579 800 0557 857
CVR no.: 29 54 66 14
The office can be contacted daily between the hours of 7.30 and 15.00.